Looks like spring is finally here (even though it's still fighting the battle against winter here in Toronto), so I thought why not make a fashion post (as I love fashion very much so!) :)
I always happen to know the latest trends (even though I might not follow them), plus did a little research on it, so here you go!
I tried to put here types of cloth that would be suitable for many, if not all, types of body and also linked some of the items to the store where you can buy them for a good price (Just click on an item or look and it'll take you to the website). Also, remember that stuff also goes on sale, so wait a week or two and you might save big :)
This season I would go for something unusual and unique, play with colours, prints and patterns. But let's start with some of the examples of what is currently in trend
Sweatshirts were a hit last season and they're still running big this spring and summer. For a girl who loves latest trends or who wants to feel unique - it's a must! What's really charming and nice about them is the pallet of colours, textiles and prints. Also they're very comfortable AND stylish at the same time :)

Dresses are the joy and fun of summer, and it's all about flowers and softness of colours and textiles.
This season flowers on your dresses should be big and tropical, colourful and fabulous :)
Another big hit is lace. It doesn't mean a dress should be made completely out of lace, but a few details on the edges or on the dress work just as well!
What else can I say? May the pants in this season be very comfortable and loose in shape. :D

But if you don't like this style, 60's are in fashion again :)
Try these Audrey Hepburn-like pants. It's a classic!
Loafers, boots, sandals and classic hills are all in trend this season! There's something for everyone!! :)

General Bits and Pieces of What's Trending
Pastel Colours everywhere!
Bright but natural colours (no neon)
Big floral (preferably tropical) prints
A la Audrey Hepburn style
A la Chanel (Outerwear)
Pink colour
Combining comfort and elegance, sport and classy (sweatshirts with classic pencil skirt and hills)
And in the conclusion, here I created a few looks that will make you look like the most beautiful girl in the world and who is not only very confident, but also knows her style and what's on trend at the moment :)
Hope this will inspire you for even more gorgeous looks.
Hope you enjoyed this post :)
Have an amazing day!!